Monday, December 27, 2010

Moshman's HU and my future plans

Hello again, Christmas ends and I am backing to normal life. I am playing HU sit and goes. So far play small amount of these games but in new year I am planning to play more. Planning to play in full tilt poker platform. It seems better for me. I am very happy that I will get $75 iron man bonus. So in next year I am planning every month to get at least bronze iron man status. I probably will play $10 HU stg, and some micro stakes cash.
Now my laptop computer in the service, but this or next week I will probably get it back. So there is some live sessions in my plans. I hope this blog readers will help to develop my game, and others will find something useful for their game.  I think enough to talk about my future plans. Today I want introduce another book.
Collin Moshman “HEADS-UP NO-LIMIT HOLD’EM”. This is a great book for heads up stg players. I am reading it by myself and I like it. I really don’t know what to tell about this book. I recommend you to download this book and to look by yourself. As usual you will find a link at the end of this post.
I think that could be that I will not had computer and internet for a week or smth like that. So will not post for a while. But when I will be back I hope I will have some news.
Ok, see you later…
And link for Colin Moshman “HEADS-UP NO-LIMIT HOLD’EM”:

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Poker Mindset

Hello everyone, today I will post about one of the best book in poker: “The Poker Mindset”.  You could download this book in pdf format from the link in the end of this post.
In beginning I would like to talk a little about this book. “The Poker Mindset” is not about the poker strategies. This book is about the way you should to think in poker. Authors write about tilt control, variation, how you should react to bad beats, bankroll management and other usefully stuff for poker player.
You will find more then you will buy or download this book. I recommend to read it. This really help to save a lot of money.
You can download it from:

Friday, December 24, 2010


May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness. MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Back where started

Hi all, I am back. Sorry for that empty month but I had really lot of work to do. But now I have more time.  But I don’t know is this will be to long, because I got an offer to go to the job interview in one insurance company. I am very excited. I am studying financial economics and work in this company would be great work experience which is very important when looking for a job. But don’t think too far, I still don’t have this job, just going to the interview.
And now a little bit about poker. I don’t know what happened but I feel that I lost my love for this game. I thought that I just get bored from holdem, so tried to grind some stud hi/lo and razz, but after twenty minutes I am getting bored. Then I am starting tilting and do stupid things. Then I remember old times then I was a beginner in poker. How I was enjoying when I beated other player, when I was wining every dollar. After that I back to full tilt and play some HU stg’s. And I enjoyed that. That feeling not to grind but to beet other player come back.
Now I understood that I want to play poker not to become a rich or for a living, but just for fun. That’s how I started.
That’s my full tilt sharkscope graph:
And full tilt HU stg sharkscope graph:
From these graphs you can see that most of my profit is made from HU.
I will thy to post some news when I could.
See you later…