Monday, December 27, 2010

Moshman's HU and my future plans

Hello again, Christmas ends and I am backing to normal life. I am playing HU sit and goes. So far play small amount of these games but in new year I am planning to play more. Planning to play in full tilt poker platform. It seems better for me. I am very happy that I will get $75 iron man bonus. So in next year I am planning every month to get at least bronze iron man status. I probably will play $10 HU stg, and some micro stakes cash.
Now my laptop computer in the service, but this or next week I will probably get it back. So there is some live sessions in my plans. I hope this blog readers will help to develop my game, and others will find something useful for their game.  I think enough to talk about my future plans. Today I want introduce another book.
Collin Moshman “HEADS-UP NO-LIMIT HOLD’EM”. This is a great book for heads up stg players. I am reading it by myself and I like it. I really don’t know what to tell about this book. I recommend you to download this book and to look by yourself. As usual you will find a link at the end of this post.
I think that could be that I will not had computer and internet for a week or smth like that. So will not post for a while. But when I will be back I hope I will have some news.
Ok, see you later…
And link for Colin Moshman “HEADS-UP NO-LIMIT HOLD’EM”:

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