Monday, November 22, 2010

What helps multitabling?

Hi, today I had a short poker session. I played only 45 minutes because I live in the student house and we have internet which divided to all residents. So now is a time when most of people using internet and PokerStars lagging a little bit. Maybe it’s don’t make uncomfortable when playing small amount of tables but it really makes me tilt when I am playing 24 tables, when you have to use every second. But I had played about 900 hands and I am planning to play longer session later, when I will have a better connection.
Now I would like to talk a little bit about multitabling. I am playing 24 tables on my 15 inch laptop computer screen. Before I was tilling tables, but they was very small and it was difficult to see an action from longer distance. Now I am leaving tables in original side how PokerStars putting them. That is much more comfortable for me because I can play from longer distance.
I am playing in micro levels, but I can’t imagine myself playing without tracking software and HUD. I am using  Holdem Manager. It was a time when I was thinking what to buy : Holdem Manager or Poker Tracker. I am very happy that I decide to buy Holdem Manager.  A bit more about Holdem Manager (HEM) and HUD I will speak in the future.
Another poker software which I am using is Table Ninja. It’s amazing stuff for multitabling. It helps to register to the tables, makes bet size which you program into it, push auto post big blind, time bank, I am back and other annoyances which you don’t want to do. I can’t imagine massive multitabling without Table Ninja.
About week ago I find new way how to make my multitabling more comfortable.  Before I was using table ninja and keyboard for playing (it’s much more comfortable and faster than playing with the mouse). But I found one article the one guy is playing poker with joystick. That’s sounded nice for me and I was decided to try this. I found my old joystick which I was bought about 5 years ago to play ”NBA life” on PC. To play poker with joystick you need table ninja (I am not sure can you play without it or not) and one more program “Xpadder” which transfer joystick buttons clicks to keyboard buttons. You can buy it for $10, or download for free from link in the end of this post. This program working with almost all joysticks (included: Xbox, Playstation and my old Logic3).

I think this is enough for this post. More detailed I will write in future posts.

If you have any questions please write comments and I will try to answers to you.

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